About Us
At Bet Yeladim we:
Nurture children’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development through a variety of experiences
Support, promote and foster independence, self-expression and individuality by way of guided interactions with peers and teachers
Foster an environment where values such as respect and caring for the world, all taught through a Jewish lens, are the foundation for living and learning
Our Philosophy:
With The Creative Curriculum as our guide, Bet Yeladim adheres to an Emergent Curriculum Philosophy. An Emergent philosophy is one that builds upon the interests of children and does not separate the curriculum into discreet blocks of time for math, language, science etc. Instead, children learn about themselves and the world around them through investigation and discovery, with the classroom environment serving as their lab and the teachers as their guides. Important areas such as literacy and numeracy development are introduced and interwoven in all areas of the classroom environment and all activities throughout the day. Within our Emergent Curriculum Philosophy, there are four essential elements: