Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

June 16 - August 8

Closed June 19 & July 4

for more information call 410.997.7378

With the start of summer, Bet Yeladim Preschool transforms into “Camp Bet Yeladim” (AKA Camp “BY”)

Our 8-week, half-day camp program for our 3, 4 & 5-year-old campers not only includes art, water play, music and movement, but special activities such as the Jump Bunch, Paragon Gymnastics, Super Science, Creative Cooking, and more! 

"Wonder Wednesday's" (which is not always on a Wednesday) are days for special programs either here at camp or on the road. Only the 4 and 5-year-olds go “on the road.”

Our "Terrific Two's"  program runs for 4-weeks and includes water play, cooking, art, music, movement and plenty of time on the playground.  Our youngest campers also participate in most on-site "Wonder Wednesday" programs.

A special All Camp Friday Shabbat celebration and sing-a-long rounds out each week for everyone.

 Children entering the “Terrific Two’s” must attend for the a minimum of 2 consecutive weeks and be two-years-old prior to their first day of camp.